
Review: The Zurian Child by Jessica E. Subject

THE ZURIAN CHILD by Jessica E. Subject

I have recieved this e-book for review from the author! Thank you very much, Jessica!

It didn't take too much time to finish this book but I guess that it was not that appealing to me. I found the action a bit confusing in some parts and I think that made me lose myself a bit.

It is a nice book, and it is suited for almost all ages since it contains only a few mature scenes.

The prophecy idea was interesting and I liked the choice of name for the aliens (the Hemera), the author used.

I think alien lovers will like or love this book :D Don't be afraid to read it given the fact that it didn't match my style! I am sure everyone cand find many interesting things in this book that they will love!

Rating: 3.5/5
Language: English

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  1. Şi eu am primit de la autoare nişte swag-uri, dar cartea nu am citit-o ăncă. Nu prea îmi plac mie poveştile cu extratereştrii, dar poate o să îi dau o şansă.

  2. Mi s-a părut ok cartea însă nu chiar pe gustul meu. Zic că se putea şi mai bine însă altora le-ar putea place mai mult :D Enjoy your swag! <3

  3. pun pariu ca a fost o lectura placuta,se vede dupa coperta.


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