
Review: Ruby Blue by Julie Cassar

Kindle Edition, 233 pages
Published February 3rd 2012
Jacket design & Image © Julie Cassar

Meet Ruby. She’s your average (somewhat dorky) ice-cream eating, garden-loving teenager, who is constantly being annoyed by her little brother, is best friends with possibly the only Goth kid in town and, oh yeah…she sees fairies.

After Nick Martino (possibly the hottest guy she’s ever known) finally asks her out, she can barely manage a two-word sentence when a bizarre incident strikes their lakeside town.Stumbling bare-foot through some interesting dates, will she ever find love? And what does Ruby do when more strange events continue to occur? Will she keep her gift of Fairy Sight a secret? As an ancient myth unfolds and new mystic fairy tales come to life, Ruby and her menagerie of friends tackle some extraordinary circumstances with her very ordinary abilities in this modern day fairy tale. See what legends come to life in “Ruby Blue,” a young adult fantasy fiction novel and the first installment of the Ruby Blue series.

Ruby Blue este o carte foarte frumoasă de care m-am bucurat încă de când am auzit de ea!
Ruby este o adolescentă iubitoare de ingheţată şi teneşi care are abilitatea de a vedea... zânele :D. Prietenii ei cei mai buni sunt Anya şi Brennan, două zâne simpatice care sunt alături de Ruby mereu.

Chiar dacă viaţa ei este plină de magie acest lucru nu o opreşte din a trăi o viaţă normală alături de părinţii şi fratele ei. Este o adolescentă ca oricare alta, se îndrăgosteşte de cel mai frumos băiat şi trăieşte la fel de multe emoţii ca oricine.

Mi-au plăcut replicile amuzante din carte ele combinându-se de minune cu magia cărţii!

Recomand această carte copiilor, adolescenţilor şi nu numai! Este o lectură amuzantă, plină de emoţie iar prietenia dintre Ruby şi zâne este una foarte puternică, făcându-te să îţi doreşti ceva asemănător în viaţa ta!
Este o carte super drăguţă iar coperta este superbă!!! Iubesc culorile magice pe care Julie le-a folosit. Îmi amintesc de un borcan cu licurici <3

Rating: 3.5-4/5

Ruby Blue is a very beautiful book which I enjoyed ever since I have heard of it!
Ruby is a ice-cream and converse loving teenager which has the ability to see... fairies :D Her best friends are Anya and Brennan, two lovely fairies which are always by her side.

Even thou her life is full of magic this does not stop her to live a normal life with her parents and brother. She is a teenager like any other, she falls in love with the most beautiful guy and she has as many emotions as everybody.

I loved the funny dialogues in the book which blend nicely with the magic inside!

I recommend this book to children, teenagers and not only! It is a funny reading, full of emotion and the friendship between Ruby and fairies is a really strong one, making you want something like that!
Really awesome book and the cover is really beautiful!!! I love those magical colours Julie used. They remind me of fireflies in a jar <3

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  1. Nu credeam ca este atat de scurta, dar pentru 133 de pagini, sunt sigur ca este o lectura destul de lejera :)

    Firefly jar you say ? Hummm humm humm - few ideas just came to mind lol -

  2. Da, e kind of short. Dar se continua actiunea in urmatoarele 2 carti.

    Indeed, many ideas struck you when you hear firefly jar <3

  3. Imi place recenzia!! Foarte colorata, mi-a placut lejeritatea cu care ai vorbit:)

  4. Mersi mult, Emily! Ma bucur ca ti-a placut!! :D


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